

( note, this writing is partially satirical, and metaphorical)


Spirit X is a different kind of genius…

Usually, there are two types of geniuses: the first visionary greatly percieves a particular spectrum, while the second sees elements of many spectrums -though this doesn’t mean that he or she has a general or sporadic understanding of the whole; the 2nd visionary sees the potential unification of all spectrums – thus he’s a ‘border-genius’.

Spirit X has this unifying perception. It enables him to understand that the notion of superiority and inferiority is the source of life’s dilemmas. For instance, good and evil – including the various ‘isms'( classicism, sexism, racism, ageism) are also bred by the soul-constraining concept of superiority and inferiority.

Since the universe thrives on non-discriminating, progressive, and liberational frequencies, it works in paradoxical ways, beyond man’s subserviance( fear-based belief systems or superstitions) or beyond any attempt to control it( whether thru totalitarianism, eugenics, monopolization of a spiritual or scientific arena). Paradoxically, because of society’s over-emphasis on perfection, universal progress becomes even more dependant on the inferior; God is drawn to humility/sincerity, open minds, and fresh perspectives.

Unbeknowest to them, the repressed knowledge of lower-folk is what the ambitious seek with their high culture…

Though everyone is sensitive to the higher signals of consciousness, social outsiders( of whatever ethnicity, system, school of thought) minorities, and people with learning disabilites are more receptive. The success of the’weak’ will henceforth enable those in privelige to contribute better in an expanding, humanistic society.

This is why the work of Spirit X is relevant. He has an undiagnosable learning disability. He senses that higher informational pool. But he struggles to express it, because it is too fluid and dynamic for any known structure or disclepline( artistic and literary mediums, mathematics).

But he has a limited aptitude for art, literature, and philosophy, and he’s used his talents to develop his own language and symbols – a kind of ‘border-intelligence’ which envelops the spectrums within the spectrum. He sees how geometric patterns intersect with other symmetries, how they can be translated into energetic frequencies that correspond to life’s rhythms/ our thoughts and actions ; how scientific notions align with artistic and religious ones as well .

He embraces his imperfections as a way to cope with the disability, and to align with his higher mind. Technically, his work( drawings, imaginary calculations) is primitive-advanced, as if drawn by both a pro and amatuer, or by an adult and child. It’s truly a complimentary collaboration between the superior and inferior. The same applies to his writing…

He’s a spiritual Helen Keller. She was blind, deaf, and mute, trapped in her own world as a child, yet she sensed a greater reality. With the help of a strong-willed teacher, she developed her own system of communication. She was able to break out of her inarticulate prison, while expressing herself through writing; cultivating a heightened sense of social justice. Perhaps her unique sensitivity and creativity were products of her disability, which sheltered her from outside distractions.

Thus Spirit X is trying to smash through the barriers of language and perception. He’s operating beyond the paradigms and trends, beyond the combustible, depleting concentrations of psychic energy, comprised of traditional belief systems – intertwined with our hopes, fears, and compulsions.

Spirit X shows that an integrated level of intelligence can be obtained – not by converting the masses to a different school of thought – ironically, it can be gained by broadening one’s bias.

How does one broaden one’s bias? By incorporating it with peace, sincerity, and compassion.

One’s universalist bias, whether religious, philosophical, etc. can parallel the ideas and metaphors of other systems; the various struggles of people becoming more relevant as well.

And he sees that most karmic chain reactions( manifested in the forms of neurosis, madness, disease, climate change, and demonic/paranormal phenomena) have a psychological basis, In the sense that they arise from our general misunderstanding and unmet needs; our distorted misinterpretations of the misguided signals sent by a convoluted consciousness( the higher info pool or collective consciousness). Our choppy ripples of fear and anxiety have caused this pool to send out crashing waves. In other words, we recieve a particular insight from this consciousness(whether through prayer, meditation, deep thinking, psychic channeling) accordingly to our mindset. The implications here are both terrifying and hopeful, for one’s fears and immaturity breeds demons, while one’s compassionate thoughts brings forth blessings and healthy intuitions.

For instance, the ‘prophetic’ revelation that a racist or White supremist receives: a sudden insight or ‘divine’ prophecy which  falsely shows how the White race is being endangered by ‘the savages’ –  reinforces the very hateful and scapegoating impulses which triggered the revelation . Or they percieve their distorted, inhuman ideal through an out-of-body experience, or hallucination.

The same applies to a religious person, who sees an omen or recieves a revelation according to his or her belief; or a physicist sees a quantum dynamic according to his receptivity/visualizing ability – but these visions are still fractions of an infinite, yet transcendental/evolving frequency.

Bias and fear enables the establishments to prepare for ‘predictable’ cycles of chaos with their ‘obvious’ prophets – thus maintaining constraining systems – as opposed to embracing an unpredictable stability, or a more liberating kind of peace. Again, God works in mysterious ways, and it is trying to send ‘unforeseen’ prophets.

Profound misinformation and misunderstanding further divides universal consciousness, including ETS and higher spirits. Its probable that many beings become energetically divided as a result of their inability to co-ordinate different modes of perception; to juggle the possibilities; they become separated during faulty attempts at time travel or astral projection/extreme dreaming, meditation, or other higher mind activity… venturing to other dimensions requires specialized bodies, so they ‘forget’ themselves during whatever mind/body altering process they undertake. Their many selves are confined to dimensions of various densities and frequencies( with their particular technologies and elements), which affect each other indirectly via misdirected signals, atmospheric turbulence, and inter-dimensional domino effects. On a certain level, consciousness is literally at war with itself, like someone suffering from split personality. To complicate things, these actions manifest themselves in ways that are literally too alien for the beings of another domain…which further complicates a schizophrenic, multi-leveled process of self-integration. Perhaps these cycles of chaos is applicable to us, since we maybe indirect extensions of alien consciousness to a degree( who are possible extensions of us as well).

So all beings must cultivate a universal and compassionate language beyond fear-based symbols and shallow words, or they should broaden their world-view via their bias. One should send out a sincere frequency through good deeds, honest self-examination, spiritual/intellectual practices, and an appreciative, humble, generous lifestyle. We should motivate the god-source and its accessories to bless us in the healthiest, most uncomprimising way possible, as opposed to sending out fearful, condemning, spiteful, hateful wishes – this will liberate higher spirits from their dwindling realities as well: petty, fearful beliefs attract petty, tyrannical gods, while all-compassionate beliefs attract greater, more loving gods, or they can allow petty gods to become great, able to operate on higher frequencies… everything shall be liberated to the point that all realities and personas align in a kind of ‘co-ordinated’ consciousness’, where the infinite possibilities can be explored with less comprimise. Otherwise, the fragmented personas of universal consciousness become parasitic, feeding off the energy of lower realms and its inhabitants, its misguided followers… this can have disastrous karmic and social implications throughout reality.

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